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Seasoned software developer with more than eight years of professional experience in fast-paced settings. More than ten years working with the Java ecosystem. Committed to providing high-level solutions that drive business. Experience in mentoring and training others on best practices. Skilled in the following technologies-

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Programming Language Java (JSE, JEE), Scala, Python, Groovy, C, JavaScript
Frameworks Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Grails, Hibernate, JPA, JMS, Android
Database: Oracle Database, DynamoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Development Tools: IntelliJ Idea, Eclipse, Maven, Gradle, GIT, TeamCity(CI/CD), NeverCode CI
Middleware: Apache Tomcat, JBoss EAP, Oracle WebLogic Server, AWS (CloudFront, CloudWatch, Beanstalk, S3, SNS/SQS, Lambda, Ec2, Kinesis, Redis, Redis PubSub), jPOS
Operating Systems: Mac OS X, Linux Ubuntu, Linux CentOS
Others: Microservices, RESTful API design, and integration, Clean Code, Clean Architecture, OOP, SOLID, TDD, Design Patterns, Agile methodologies


Loblaw Digital (Toronto, Canada) Digital Rx

Senior Developer | November 2019- Present

bKash Limited (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Research and Development Department

Senior Lead Engineer | Deputy General Manager | April 2018 - October 2019

Vantage Labs (Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Senior Software Developer | April 2015 ‒March 2018

Therap (BD) Ltd. (Dhaka, Bangladesh)

Software Engineer (Java) | December 2012 ‒ March 2015

Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh

Guest Faculty | January 2012 ‒December 2014


Bachelor of Information Technology (Major in Software Engineering) 

Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka-  Bangladesh (2012)



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Author: A N M Bazlur Rahman

Java Champion | Software Engineer | JUG Leader | Book Author | InfoQ & Foojay.IO Editor | Jakarta EE Ambassadors| Helping Java Developers to improve their coding & collaboration skills so that they can meet great people & collaborate

100daysofcode 100daysofjava access advance-java agile algorithm arraylist article bangla-book becoming-expert biginteger book calculator checked checked-exceptions cloning code-readability code-review coding coding-convention collection-framework compact-strings completablefuture concatenation concurrency concurrentmodificationexception concurrentskiplistmap counting countingcollections critical-section daemon-thread data-race data-structure datetime day002 deliberate-practice deserialization design-pattern developers duration execute-around executors export fibonacci file file-copy fork/join-common-pool functional future-java-developers groupby hash-function hashmap history history-of-java how-java-performs-better how-java-works http-client image import inspiration io itext-pdf java java-10 java-11 java-17 java-8 java-9 java-developers java-performance java-programming java-thread java-thread-programming java11 java16 java8 lambda-expression learning learning-and-development linkedlist list local-type-inference localdatetime map methodology microservices nio non-blockingio null-pointer-exception object-cloning optional packaging parallel pass-by-reference pass-by-value pdf performance prime-number programming project-loom race-condition readable-code record refactoring review scheduler scrum serialization serversocket simple-calculator socket software-development softwarearchitecture softwareengineering sorting source-code stack string string-pool stringbuilder swing thread threads tutorial unchecked vector virtual-thread volatile why-java zoneid